let us never forget that the human race with technology is like an alcoholic with a barrel of wine
~ Ted Kaczynski ~

The Jeff Freels Transplant Fund

The Creator of the BEAN d2 RPG needs our help:

Currently Available/Forthcoming by Paul

~ A Fragmentary History Of Trollworld, by Ken St. Andre, layout and editing by Paul Ingrassia, published by Peryton Publishing, available now at TROLL HAMMER: http://trollhammerpress.blogspot.com/p/troll-hammer-store.html

~ There and Back Again, a cinquain poem, appears in the May/June issue of Sketchbook, found at: http://poetrywriting.org/Sketchbook5-3MayJun2010/Sketchbook_5-3_MayJune_2010_I_Paul_Ingrassia.htm

~ Three of my cinquain poems will be appearing in upcoming editions of Every Day Poets. Free subscription at: http://www.everydaypoets.com/ Type my last name (Ingrassia) into the search engine to see all my works at EDP.

~ One of my cinquain poems has been selected for inclusion in the upcoming Best of Every Day Poets anthology, hopefully to be released July 2010.

~ 'Whipped', a flash fiction horror story, is available now in the Niteblade Anthology. For details visit: http://www.niteblade.com/ or to order visit: http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/nothing-to-dread-a-niteblade-anthology/7932048.

~ 'The Hungry Ones', a flash fiction horror story, appears in the January 2010 issue of Necrotic Tissue. Order individual issues or subscribe at: http://www.necrotictissue.com/

~ 'The King's Joust', 'Feeding', 'Flying The Jolly Roger', and 'Pegasus', cinquain poems, appear in Amaze: The Cinquain Journal 2007 Annual available at: http://www.lulu.com/Amazethecinquainjournal

~ 'Adelaide Crapsey' (nominated for a Pushcart Prize) and 'Into The dawn', cinquain poems, appear in Amaze: The Cinquain Journal 2006 Annual available at: http://www.lulu.com/Amazethecinquainjournal